Nearly 77 of Chinese residential buildings use solar energy

Impact of zero energy buildings on medium-to-long term building

By reviewing the development and enforcement of building energy codes in China in the last 30 years (1986–2016), together with the analysis of energy consumption of ultra-low energy building and nearly-zero energy building (nearly-ZEB) demonstration projects

Nearly Zero-Energy Building

The concept of "zero-energy building" dates back to 1976. The term was coined by Esbensen and Korsgaard from the Technical University of Denmark when they studied the solar heating of a residential building in winter (Esbensen and Korsgaard, 1977).Since then, zero-energy buildings have been widely constructed in many developed countries, and several definitions similar to

Residential net-zero energy buildings: Review and perspective

Buildings consume 30%–40% of the yearly primary energy in developed countries, and approximately 15%–25% in developing countries [1] the United States, buildings account for around 40% of primary energy consumption, and therefore 40% of the total U.S. CO 2 emissions and 7.4% of the total global CO 2 emissions [2].More narrowly, residential buildings

Effect of thermal bridges on the energy performance of Chinese

Simplified method is widely used in China, which uses the linear thermal transmittance to describe the effect of thermal bridges on the performance of building energy [22]. In this study, the effect of thermal bridges on the energy performance of low-rise buildings in China is investigated. A two-story residential building is studied in four

Impact of zero energy buildings on medium-to-long term building energy

By reviewing the development and enforcement of building energy codes in China in the last 30 years (1986–2016), together with the analysis of energy consumption of ultra-low energy building and nearly-zero energy building (nearly-ZEB) demonstration projects (2012–2017), this study proposes a three-definition hierarchy of ultra

Impact of Urban Form on Building Energy Consumption and Solar Energy

This paper takes Jinan, a typical city in cold region IIB of China, as an example, to quantify and analyse the residential layout parameters related to heating energy consumption: group layout

Solar Energy Utilization Potential in Urban Residential

This study aimed to examine the interplay between urban residential blocks and their solar energy potential, with the objective of promoting environmentally sustainable development within...

Green retrofit of existing residential buildings in China: An

The results show that electricity, pipeline natural gas and solar energy are the most commonly used energy sources in China''s residential buildings at present, with the usage...

Solar Energy Potential Using GIS-Based Urban

The analysis results showed that Shenzhen had vast solar potential, with 92% of the building rooftops producing more than 1000 kWh/m 2 per year, which provided an alternative energy source...

Evaluating the potential energy savings of residential buildings

Evaluating the potential energy savings of residential buildings and utilizing solar energy in the middle region of Saudi Arabia -Case study December 2020 Energy Exploration & Exploitation 39(2)

Sustainable-Driven Renovation of Existing Residential Buildings in

Sustainable renovation of residential buildings will contribute to implementing China''s carbon emission reduction policies. In 2021, urban residential buildings accounted for 40% of the total lifecycle energy consumption of buildings in China, while rural residential

Solar Energy Utilization Potential in Urban Residential Blocks

In terms of the application of BIPV technology in China, 75.8% of BIPV systems are currently installed on industrial buildings and 20% are deployed on public buildings, while the utilization rate of solar BIPV technology in residential areas is only 3.9% [6].

Status, trend, economic and environmental impacts of household

Simulation from RETScreen software showed that southwestern China is the best place to develop zero energy buildings, and elevating PV conversion efficiency has great potential to meet building energy demands.

Chapter 9: Buildings

Residential buildings consumed 70% out of global final energy demand from buildings. Electricity demand from buildings was slightly above 43 EJ in 2019, equivalent to more than 18% of global electricity demand.

Sustainable-Driven Renovation of Existing Residential Buildings

Sustainable renovation of residential buildings will contribute to implementing China''s carbon emission reduction policies. In 2021, urban residential buildings accounted for 40% of the total lifecycle energy consumption of buildings in China, while rural residential buildings accounted for 19%, as shown in Figure 1.

Energy performance of a residential zero energy building energy

The energy system and its energy performance of R-CELLS, a residential zero energy building from team Tianjin U+ in the Solar Decathlon China 2022, is introduced in this paper. When designing and constructing the R-CELLS energy system, two sets of challenges are encountered. Firstly, from an architectural perspective, the limited construction timeframe (only

Status, trend, economic and environmental impacts of household solar

Simulation from RETScreen software showed that southwestern China is the best place to develop zero energy buildings, and elevating PV conversion efficiency has great potential to meet building energy demands.

Towards zero-energy buildings in China: A systematic literature

According to statistics, each year only 10–15% of the new buildings in China can satisfy the mandatory energy-saving standards, meaning that more than 80% of the new buildings consume high energy. Of the existing 40 billion square meters of buildings, more than 95% are high-energy consumption buildings (Xu, 2005).

Towards zero-energy buildings in China: A systematic literature

According to statistics, each year only 10–15% of the new buildings in China can satisfy the mandatory energy-saving standards, meaning that more than 80% of the new buildings consume high energy. Of the existing 40 billion square meters of buildings, more

Potential of residential building integrated photovoltaic systems in

Based on the developed mathematical model, this paper assesses the solar irradiation resources and BIPV potential of residential buildings in different climate zones of China. It is found that roofs are the first choice for BIPV installation, followed by south façades,

Impact of zero energy buildings on medium-to-long term building energy

By reviewing the development and enforcement of building energy codes in China in the last 30 years (1986–2016), together with the analysis of energy consumption of ultra-low energy building and nearly-zero energy building (nearly-ZEB) demonstration projects (2012–2017), this study proposes a three-definition hierarchy of ultra-low energy buildings,

Solar Energy Utilization Potential in Urban Residential Blocks: A

This study aimed to examine the interplay between urban residential blocks and their solar energy potential, with the objective of promoting environmentally sustainable development within...

Solar Energy Potential Using GIS-Based Urban Residential

The analysis results showed that Shenzhen had vast solar potential, with 92% of the building rooftops producing more than 1000 kWh/m 2 per year, which provided an alternative energy source...

Green retrofit of existing residential buildings in China:

The results show that electricity, pipeline natural gas and solar energy are the most commonly used energy sources in China''s residential buildings at present, with the usage...

(PDF) Heating solutions for residential buildings in China: Current

DH installed capacity with capacity share by technology 181 Figure 7 displays total installed DH capacity in urban areas of different provinces.

Statistical analyses on summer energy consumption

Some researchers made investigations to master the actuality of residential energy consumption in China. Wu et al. investigated the possession of air conditioners and residential electricity use in Beijing, and got the electricity consumption index of air conditioners and its influence factors [2].Long et al. conducted an investigation on electricity use of air

Solar energy potential of urban buildings in 10 cities of China

In dense, energy-demanding urban areas, the effective utilization of solar energy resources, encompassing building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems and solar water heating (SWH) systems

Potential of residential building integrated photovoltaic systems

Based on the developed mathematical model, this paper assesses the solar irradiation resources and BIPV potential of residential buildings in different climate zones of China. It is found that roofs are the first choice for BIPV installation, followed by south façades, especially in high-latitude cities, and then east and west facades.

Nearly 77 of Chinese residential buildings use solar energy

6 FAQs about [Nearly 77 of Chinese residential buildings use solar energy]

How much energy do new buildings consume in China?

According to statistics, each year only 10–15% of the new buildings in China can satisfy the mandatory energy-saving standards, meaning that more than 80% of the new buildings consume high energy. Of the existing 40 billion square meters of buildings, more than 95% are high-energy consumption buildings (Xu, 2005).

Are solar irradiation resources and BIPV potential of residential buildings in China?

Based on the developed mathematical model, this paper assesses the solar irradiation resources and BIPV potential of residential buildings in different climate zones of China. It is found that roofs are the first choice for BIPV installation, followed by south façades, especially in high-latitude cities, and then east and west facades.

Can building walls save energy in China?

Research on energy conservation for building walls in China began in the 1980s. In terms of the type of wall, the majority of the zero-energy buildings in China now use new types of walls.

Why are zero-energy buildings important in China?

Of the existing 40 billion square meters of buildings, more than 95% are high-energy consumption buildings (Xu, 2005). Therefore, the development of zero-energy buildings is of particular significance in China. The ever-expanding urban construction area has caused energy shortages and significant environmental pollution.

How does China use energy-saving technologies in building design?

To reduce the consumption of electricity and non-renewable energy, China has adopted active energy-saving technologies in building design through the utilization of wind energy, solar energy, and various geothermal resources (Jing, 2003).

How to improve the energy performance of Chinese residential buildings?

While there exists a plethora of technological means in the market aimed at improving the energy performance of residential buildings, there still needs to be a more systematic discussion on the framework for sustainable renovation of existing Chinese residential buildings, with knowledge dissemination still needing to be more cohesive.

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